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Goldcard acquired Shizushan Xingze Gas Co., Ltd.
Time:2017-09-23 15:51:13

In 2014, Goldcard and Xinghan Group Company of Shizushan, Ningxia, signed the "cooperation framework agreement", Goldcard invested Xingze Gas Co., Ltd. by the cash capital increasing, holding the share of 45%.

Xingze Gas Co., Ltd. locates in Shizushan area (two districts and one county), has the franchise of transmission, distribution, production, storage and supply of natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas. Currently consists of seven gas reserve stations, participates the investment of two reserve station, laid high, medium and low pressure gas pipeline of 891km, annual gas transmission capacity up to 195 million cubic meters. Currently owns a variety of 170,000 gas users , five CNG filling stations, approximately 6,000 gas vehicles. The increasing investment of Xingze Gas expanded the gas business area scope of Goldcard in the northwest China, combined with Huachen investment company, basically realized the full-line industrial coverage from production to supply in Shizuishan area, played a positive role in promoting of achieving the double-track development of "Smart gas meter + gas supplies" of Goldcard.